WHMCS Provisioning Module for Everest Cast Pro

The WHMCS Everest Cast Pro module is developed in PHP that integrates Everest Cast Pro as a Product/Service into WHMCS.


This allows the ability to create users in Everest cast, change their profile (port, website, station, password ), change their password, suspend/un-suspend or terminate accounts etc.


Pre-requirements: Existing installation of WHMCS (version 5.0 and above)


Step 1:



Download everestcast-whmcs.zip from the link:

For PHP 7.1 & Up : https://bit.ly/everestcast

For PHP 8.1 & Up : https://bit.ly/everestcast8


Extract and Upload everestcast directory to ../modules/servers/ via FTP or directly upload everestcast-whmcs.zip and exact on ../modules/servers/


Step 2:



Now Add New Servers


How to Add Servers?

~ Login your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on menu Setup > Products/Services > Servers.


~ Click on "Add New Server" Choose Module Name "Everest Cast" Insert your Everest Cast Control panel Installed server Hostname or IP Address, Insert Everest Cast Pro Admin username & Password and Click on Test Connection.


If connection success you reached to the next page if not then allow your Everest Cast Pro Installed server IP in your WHMCS Installed Hosting Server Firewall. If you are taking hosting from other provider then ask them to whitelist your Everest Cast Pro Installed server IP.


And Finally Click on "Save Changes"


Step 3:



Now Create New Server Group and Give Group name and select recently added server from server list and click on ADD and finally click on Save Changes.


 We can create Broadcaster Account two ways:


1. Creating Broadcaster Account using Everest Cast Pro Templates


Add New Product/Services


How to Add New Product/Services?


Login your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on menu Setup > Products/Services > Products/Services.


Now Click on "Create a New Product"




Product Type:  Other

Product Group: Choose your desired Group from dropdown list

Product Name:  Give best name as per your need

Module:  Everest Cast


Now click on Continue. In Module Settings Choose module Name "Everest Cast" Server Group "Your Recent Created Group" Choose Account Template Name from Drop Down (NOTE: When you Create New Template in Everest Cast Pro Admin Area Templates>Broadcasters that will show here in Dropdown list so you must have to create the template first in Everest Cast Pro Control Panel Admin Area.)


2. Creating Broadcaster Account using WHMCS Configurable Options


Setup Configurable Options


How to Setup Configurable options?


Step 1: Login your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on menu Setup > Products/Services > Configurable Options.


Step 2: Click on "Create A New Group"


Give Group Name: Stream Providers

Description: Enable Stream Providers


Choose Assigned Products and Click on "Add New Configurable Option" and Pop up window will option


For AutoDJ Enable :


Option Name : Enable AutoDJ

Option Type : Yes/No

Options :  Enable


For Server Type:


Option Name:  Server Type

Option Type: Dropdown







For AutoDJ Space:


Option Name:  AutoDJ Space

Option Type: Dropdown



1 GB

5 GB

10 GB



NOTE: For Unlimited Space use "Unlimited"


For Traffic Per Month:


Option Name: Traffic Per Month

Option Type: Dropdown



1 GB

5 GB

10 GB



                        NOTE: For Unlimited Traffic use "Unlimited"


For Radio Stations Limit:


Option Name:  Radio Stations Limit

Option Type: Quantity

Options:  Override

Minimum Quantity Required: 1

Maximum Allowed: 0 (Set to 0 for Unlimited)


For Radio Channels Limit:


Option Name:  Radio Channels Limit

Option Type: Quantity

Options:  Override

Minimum Quantity Required: 1

Maximum Allowed: 0 (Set to 0 for Unlimited)


For Listeners Limit:


Option Name:  Listeners Limit

Option Type: Dropdown








NOTE: For Unlimited Listeners use "Unlimited"


For Maximum Bitrate:


Option Name:  Maximum Bitrate

Option Type: Dropdown









For Allow Facebook Streaming:


Option Name:  Allow Facebook Streaming

Option Type: Yes/No

Options:  Enable


For Allow YouTube Streaming:


Option Name:  Allow YouTube Streaming   

Option Type:  Yes/No

Options:  Enable


For Allow VK.com Streaming:


Option Name:  Allow VK.com Streaming

Option Type: Yes/No

Options:  Enable



For Broadcasting Port:

Hidden:  √

Option Name:  Broadcasting Port

Option Type: Quantity

Options:  Port

Minimum Quantity Required: 1025

Maximum Allowed: 65535



Now Add New Product/Services



How to Add New Product/Services?


Login your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on menu Setup > Products/Services > Products/Services.


Now Click on "Create a New Product"




Product Type:  Other

Product Group: Choose your desired Group from dropdown list

Product Name:  Give best name as per your need

Module:  Everest Cast


Now click on Continue. In Module Settings Choose module Name "Everest Cast" Server Group "Your Recent Created Group" Choose Account Template Name "No Template" from Drop Down. Click on Configurable Options and choose Assigned Option Groups " Stream Providers - Enable Stream Providers". Finally click on save Changes.